To make a manual payment to your account on, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your account on using your email address and password.
- Navigate to the “Billing” or “Payments” section of your account.
- Review your current balance and the amount due for your next payment.
- Contact our Accounts department via email or phone to request manual payment instructions.
- Provide any necessary information or documentation requested by the Accounts department, such as your account number or invoice number.
- The Accounts department will provide you with the necessary information for manual payment, such as bank account details or mailing address.
- Make the manual payment using the provided information, and be sure to include your account number or invoice number as reference.
- Once the payment has been processed, the Accounts department will update your account balance and confirm receipt of the payment.
Please note that manual payments may take longer to process and may be subject to additional fees. It is important to make manual payments on time to avoid late fees or disruption of service.
If you have any questions or issues making a manual payment, please contact the Accounts department for assistance.